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Libbpf userspace function libbpf_probe_bpf_helper


Detects if host kernel supports the use of a given BPF helper from specified BPF program type.


int libbpf_probe_bpf_helper(enum bpf_prog_type prog_type, enum bpf_func_id helper_id, const void *opts);


  • prog_type: BPF program type used to check the support of BPF helper
  • helper_id: BPF helper ID (enum bpf_func_id) to check support for
  • opts: reserved for future extensibility, should be NULL


1, if given combination of program type and helper is supported; 0, if the combination is not supported; negative error code if feature detection for provided input arguments failed or can't be performed


Make sure the process has required set of CAP_* permissions (or runs as root) when performing feature checking.


Docs could be improved

This part of the docs is incomplete, contributions are very welcome