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Libbpf userspace function btf__relocate


Will check the split BTF btf for references to base BTF kinds, and verify those references are compatible with base_btf; if they are, btf is adjusted such that is re-parented to base_btf and type ids and strings are adjusted to accommodate this.


int btf__relocate(struct btf *btf, const struct btf *base_btf);


  • btf: pointer to a struct btf object
  • base_btf: pointer to a struct btf object


If successful, 0 is returned and btf now has base_btf as its base.

A negative value is returned on error and the thread-local errno variable is set to the error code as well.


Docs could be improved

This part of the docs is incomplete, contributions are very welcome


Docs could be improved

This part of the docs is incomplete, contributions are very welcome