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Libbpf userspace function bpf_token_create


Creates a new instance of BPF token derived from specified BPF file system mount point. A wrapper around the BPF_TOKEN_CREATE syscall command.


int bpf_token_create(int bpffs_fd, struct bpf_token_create_opts *opts);


  • bpffs_fd: FD for BPF FS instance from which to derive a BPF token instance.
  • opts: optional BPF token creation options, can be NULL


BPF token FD > 0, on success; negative error code, otherwise (errno is also set to the error code)

struct bpf_token_create_opts

struct bpf_token_create_opts {
    size_t sz; /* size of this struct for forward/backward compatibility */
    __u32 flags;
    size_t :0;


BPF token created with this API can be passed to BPF syscall for commands like BPF_PROG_LOAD, BPF_MAP_CREATE, etc.


Docs could be improved

This part of the docs is incomplete, contributions are very welcome