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Libbpf userspace function bpf_program__attach_perf_event_opts


Attach a BPF_PROG_TYPE_PERF_EVENT program to a perf event.


struct bpf_link * bpf_program__attach_perf_event_opts(const struct bpf_program *prog, int pfd, const struct bpf_perf_event_opts *opts);


  • prog: BPF program to attach
  • pfd: File descriptor of the perf event to attach to
  • opts: Additional options

struct bpf_perf_event_opts

struct bpf_perf_event_opts {
    /* size of this struct, for forward/backward compatibility */
    size_t sz;
    __u64 bpf_cookie;
    bool force_ioctl_attach;
    size_t :0;


Custom user-provided value fetchable through bpf_get_attach_cookie. This allows you to write one program, load it once, and then attach it to multiple perf events with different bpf_cookie values, allowing the program to detect which event it is attached to.



Don't use BPF link when attach BPF program. BPF links are the newer way to attach BPF programs to various kernel hooks. By default, libbpf will attempt to use the newer links and fallback to the older ioctl method if the kernel doesn't support links. This option allows you to force the use of the older ioctl method.


The pfd is obtained by first creating a perf event using the perf_event_open syscall.

This function calls bpf_program__attach_perf_event_opts with default values.


Docs could be improved

This part of the docs is incomplete, contributions are very welcome