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Libbpf userspace function bpf_program__attach_netkit


Attach a netkit program to a netkit network interface.


struct bpf_link * bpf_program__attach_netkit(const struct bpf_program *prog, int ifindex, const struct bpf_netkit_opts *opts);


  • prog: BPF program to attach
  • ifindex: index of the network interface to attach the program to
  • opts: netkit options


Reference to the newly created BPF link; or NULL is returned on error, error code is stored in errno

struct bpf_netkit_opts

struct bpf_netkit_opts {
    /* size of this struct, for forward/backward compatibility */
    size_t sz;
    __u32 flags;
    __u32 relative_fd;
    __u32 relative_id;
    __u64 expected_revision;
    size_t :0;


Flags to modify attachment behavior.

BPF_F_ID - If set, identify a relative object based on the ID in relative_id. Otherwise use the FD in relative_fd. BPF_F_LINK - If set, the relative_fd/relative_id fields refer to links, not programs. BPF_F_REPLACE - If set, replace the existing program/link with the relative one. BPF_F_BEFORE - If set, add the new program/link before the relative one. BPF_F_AFTER - If set, add the new program/link after the relative one.


File descriptor of the relative object.


ID of the relative object.


The current mprog revision. A revision number shared by all programs attached to the same hook point. It can be queried via BPF_PROG_QUERY / bpf_prog_query / bpf_prog_query_opts.


Netkit programs essentially TCX programs with more restrictions (namely that netkit programs can only attach to netkit links). Their attachment is very similar.


Docs could be improved

This part of the docs is incomplete, contributions are very welcome