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Libbpf userspace function bpf_map_update_batch


Updates multiple elements in a map by specifying keys and their corresponding values.


int bpf_map_update_batch(int fd, const void *keys, const void *values, __u32 *count, const struct bpf_map_batch_opts *opts);


  • fd: BPF map file descriptor
  • keys: pointer to an array of count keys
  • values: pointer to an array of count values
  • count: input and output parameter; on input it's the number of elements in the map to update in batch; on output if a non-EFAULT error is returned, count represents the number of updated elements if the output count value is not equal to the input count value. If EFAULT is returned, count should not be trusted to be correct.
  • opts: options for configuring the way the batch update works


0, on success; negative error code, otherwise (errno is also set to the error code)


The keys and values parameters must point to memory large enough to hold count items based on the key and value size of the map.

The opts parameter can be used to control how bpf_map_update_batch should handle keys that either do or do not already exist in the map. In particular the flags parameter of bpf_map_batch_opts can be one of the following:

  • BPF_ANY - Create new elements or update existing.
  • BPF_NOEXIST - Create new elements only if they do not exist.
  • BPF_EXIST - Update existing elements.
  • BPF_F_LOCK - Update spin_lock-ed map elements. This must be specified if the map value contains a spinlock.


count is an input and output parameter, where on output it represents how many elements were successfully updated. Also note that if EFAULT then count should not be trusted to be correct.


Docs could be improved

This part of the docs is incomplete, contributions are very welcome