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Libbpf userspace function bpf_map_lookup_and_delete_batch


Allows for batch lookup and deletion of BPF map elements where each element is deleted after being retrieved.


int bpf_map_lookup_and_delete_batch(int fd, void *in_batch, void *out_batch, void *keys, void *values, __u32 *count, const struct bpf_map_batch_opts *opts);


  • fd: BPF map file descriptor
  • in_batch: address of the first element in batch to read, can pass NULL to get address of the first element in out_batch. If not NULL, must be large enough to hold a key. For BPF_MAP_TYPE_{HASH, PERCPU_HASH, LRU_HASH, LRU_PERCPU_HASH}, the memory size must be at least 4 bytes wide regardless of key size.
  • out_batch: output parameter that should be passed to next call as in_batch
  • keys: pointer to an array of count keys
  • values: pointer to an array large enough for count values
  • count: input and output parameter; on input it's the number of elements in the map to read and delete in batch; on output it represents the number of elements that were successfully read and deleted If a non-EFAULT error code is returned and if the output count value is not equal to the input count value, up to count elements may have been deleted. if EFAULT is returned up to count elements may have been deleted without being returned via the keys and values output parameters.
  • opts: options for configuring the way the batch lookup and delete works


0, on success; negative error code, otherwise (errno is also set to the error code)


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This part of the docs is incomplete, contributions are very welcome


Docs could be improved

This part of the docs is incomplete, contributions are very welcome