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Libbpf userspace function bpf_map_delete_batch


Allows for batch deletion of multiple elements in a BPF map.


int bpf_map_delete_batch(int fd, const void *keys, __u32 *count, const struct bpf_map_batch_opts *opts);


  • fd: BPF map file descriptor
  • keys: pointer to an array of count keys
  • count: input and output parameter; on input count represents the number of elements in the map to delete in batch; on output if a non-EFAULT error is returned, count represents the number of deleted elements if the output count value is not equal to the input count value If -EFAULT is returned, count should not be trusted to be correct.
  • opts: options for configuring the way the batch deletion works


0, on success; negative error code, otherwise (errno is also set to the error code)


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This part of the docs is incomplete, contributions are very welcome


Docs could be improved

This part of the docs is incomplete, contributions are very welcome