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Libbpf userspace function bpf_linker__add_buf


Add a ELF file as memory buffer to the linker.


int bpf_linker__add_buf(struct bpf_linker *linker, void *buf, size_t buf_sz, const struct bpf_linker_file_opts *opts);


  • linker: pointer to a struct bpf_linker object
  • buf: pointer to the ELF file buffer
  • buf_sz: size of the ELF file buffer
  • opts: pointer to a struct bpf_linker_file_opts object that contains options for the file


0, on success; On error negative error code, and errno is set to the error code.

struct bpf_linker_file_opts

struct bpf_linker_file_opts {
    /* size of this struct, for forward/backward compatibility */
    size_t sz;


Docs could be improved

This part of the docs is incomplete, contributions are very welcome


Docs could be improved

This part of the docs is incomplete, contributions are very welcome