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KFunc scx_bpf_select_cpu_dfl


This function is the default implementation of sched_ext_ops.select_cpu


Can only be called from select_cpu if the built-in CPU selection is enabled, sched_ext_ops.update_idle is missing, or SCX_OPS_KEEP_BUILTIN_IDLE is set. p, prev_cpu and wake_flags match sched_ext_ops.select_cpu.


p: task_struct to select a CPU for

prev_cpu: CPU p was on previously

wake_flags: SCX_WAKE_*, possible values are:

  • SCX_WAKE_FORK (0x02) - Wakeup after exec
  • SCX_WAKE_TTWU (0x04) - Wakeup after fork
  • SCX_WAKE_SYNC (0x08) - Wakeup

is_idle: out parameter indicating whether the returned CPU is idle


The picked CPU with is_idle indicating whether the picked CPU is currently idle and thus a good candidate for direct dispatching.


s32 scx_bpf_select_cpu_dfl(struct task_struct *p, s32 prev_cpu, u64 wake_flags, bool *is_idle)


Docs could be improved

This part of the docs is incomplete, contributions are very welcome

Program types

The following program types can make use of this kfunc:


Docs could be improved

This part of the docs is incomplete, contributions are very welcome