Helper function bpf_find_vma
Copyright (c) 2015 The Libbpf Authors. All rights reserved.
Find vma of task that contains addr, call callback_fn function with task, vma, and callback_ctx. The callback_fn should be a static function and the callback_ctx should be a pointer to the stack. The flags is used to control certain aspects of the helper. Currently, the flags must be 0.
The expected callback signature is
long (_callback_fn)(struct task_struct _task, struct vm_area_struct _vma, void _callback_ctx);
0 on success. -ENOENT if task->mm is NULL, or no vma contains addr. -EBUSY if failed to try lock mmap_lock. -EINVAL for invalid flags.
static long (* const bpf_find_vma)(struct task_struct *task, __u64 addr, void *callback_fn, void *callback_ctx, __u64 flags) = (void *) 180;
Docs could be improved
This part of the docs is incomplete, contributions are very welcome
Program types
This helper call can be used in the following program types:
Docs could be improved
This part of the docs is incomplete, contributions are very welcome